Home Sweet Home By Monica Bennett – Blog Post #953 – Positive Mind Newsletter From The Field of Master Mind Thoughts (MMT)

MMTNewsletter Information from the Field of Master Mind Thoughts (MMT)


Shared from the research of: Joseph Mercado

Newsletter Author: Monica Bennett

To: Friend

Blog Post #953

Re: Home Sweet Home

Date and Time: Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 7:19 a.m.


“When one’s expectations are reduced to zero,one really appreciates everything one does have.”Stephen Hawking


Dear Friend,

About a year and a half ago, I was invited to go to an event that was celebrating the life and work of Stephen Hawking’s.

It took place in this little Bohemian like theater down in the Village of New York.

Well, being a big fan of his work I jumped at the chance to go.

There were all kinds of artists, brainiacs, and lay people like myself who came to get our minds blown.

I wasn’t disappointed. It was an interactive evening of entertainment, discussions and some theater that displayed the big bang theory, dying stars, black holes and how the universe came to be through a tiny dot of singularity.

So what has this to do with what’s going on in the world today? Well, everything if we can open our hearts and minds to expand our consciousness.

If we allow ourselves to look beyond ourselves and on to a bigger picture, we can feel a connection with the universe.

Fear has gripped and paralyzed the majority of so many that is difficult for them to see beyond their comfort zone which has now vanished for them.

They say stay home, but what is home? A house is not a home.

A home is where your heart is, and your heart is in you, around you, and everywhere you give of yourself.

Your heart like the universe can collapse into a black hole or expand to radiate love.

When we realize that we are all one.

I know we know nothing but a single point, maybe, just maybe we can let go of the fear that keeps us in bondage.

Home sweet home, is in the heart.

Your heart and mine. One Heart! All Love!

Content Source: PositiveMindConsulting.com

Monica Bennett
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