How To Protect Yourself From The Coronavirus By Miriam N – Survivopedia – Blog Post #904 – Tips From The Field of Master Mind Survival (MMSUR)



Tips from the Field of Master Mind Survival (MMSUR)


Shared from the universe of: Joseph Mercado

Article Author: Miriam N. – Survivopedia

To: Survivalist

Blog Post #904

Re: Protecting Yourself Against the Coronavirus

Date and Time: Monday, February 17, 2020 at 6:59 a.m.


Dear Survivalist,

There are now more than 1344 deaths recorded as of the first week of February due to the 2019 novel coronavirus, surpassing the number of casualties from the SARS virus in 2003.

Some close to 35,000 individuals around the world. have been affected by the illness as well. These numbers have prompted the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a global health emergency due to this new outbreak and have named the disease as the 2019- nCoV Acute Respiratory Syndrome or ARD.

The majority of the casualties and infected persons are from China. However, the virus is fast spreading as infected persons are reported in different countries in various regions. There have been recorded deaths due to the novel coronavirus outside of China, particularly in HongKong and the Philippines. Several countries have already banned flights to and from Wuhan city, China, the ground zero of the virus.

There are also moratoriums on flights to and from China by airlines.

The 2019-nCoV has caused alarm in many countries. These days, governments are busy procuring and distributing face masks. Individuals and families are also hoarding items such as surgical masks, alcohol, disposable gloves, and disinfecting wipes in the hope of avoiding getting infected.

The Origin of the Virus

The 2019-nCoV emerged from China, particularly in Wuhan City in the last weeks of 2019 from people who visited the Huanan animal and seafood market. Health officials say that the virus spread from an animal to humans.

One study showed that the genetic sequence of the 2019-nCoV highly resembles the genetic sequences of coronaviruses coming from bats. What’s baffling is that the Huanan seafood and animal market does not sell this animal. Researchers believe that an unidentified animal is a carrier that transmitted the present coronavirus to human beings.

Another study suggested that snakes being sold at the Huanan market could potentially be the source of the 2019-nCoV. However, this research is being disputed by other experts who say that it remains unclear if snakes can be infected by the virus.
Quarantine Enacted in China

Wuhan City and other cities near its vicinity were placed under lockdown by the Chinese government even before the WHO called for a global health emergency. The lockdown means that residents are not permitted to venture outside of the cities. This is considered as the largest mass quarantine the world has seen as the lockdown covered 13 cities and affects some 41 million people.

Chinese authorities said these measures were designed to prevent and control the virus from spreading. The quarantine also imposed a travel ban that prevented transportation such as planes and trains from leaving the involved cities.

The Chinese government has already prohibited the sale of wildlife in the country in all possible sale points such as restaurants, markets, and online stores. It also rushed the construction of a new hospital that would house patients infected with the virus.
World Health Organization Reaction

The WHO declared a global emergency after learning of the hundreds of deaths attributed to the 2019-nCoV and reports of person-to-person transmission outside of China. Despite this declaration, the WHO says it does not find any reason to recommend a ban on trade and travel of other countries with China given that restriction of movements of good and people at a time of public health emergencies may cause more harm than good.

The global organization praised China’s leadership in implementing swift measures to contain the spread of the virus. It also recommended that Chinese authorities continue implementing an effective communication strategy and enhanced surveillance of the disease. It also urged China to speed up efforts in finding the source of the animal-to-human infection.

Maintain Social Distancing

Avoiding large crowds is also a must in the prevention of the spread of the 2019-nCoV, which is why plenty of events with a big gathering of people have been canceled or postponed by many. Experts also advise maintaining social distances or keeping a certain distance away from a person. This is especially true for anyone who is sick.

A person who needs to talk to someone should keep a safe distance. Avoiding kissing, hugging and shaking of hands are also recommended by health officials and experts.

Avoid Touching, Eyes, Nose and Mouth

Experts have been reminding the public to be mindful of their hand movements as a preventive measure. This means avoiding touching the eyes, nose, and mouth if they have been in contact with anyone and if they have not washed their hands yet.
Practice General Hygiene Measures in Markets Selling Animals and Animal Products

The 2019-nCoV is believed to have stemmed from a yet-to-be-identified animal. As such, the WHO strongly recommends being extra careful when visiting any marketplace that sells animals and its products.

As much as possible, people should refrain from touching animals and their by-products using their bare hands. It would be a good idea to wear disposable gloves if handling animals cannot be avoided.

Washing hands thoroughly after being in contact with animals and avoiding touching the face until the hands have been washed should be done. Disinfecting wipes for the skin or any alcohol-based products can be used until one has access to water and soap.

Avoid the Consumption of Raw or Uncooked Animal Products

Based on WHO guidelines, one should avoid eating undercooked or raw animal products. Likewise, milk, animal organs, and raw meat are to be handled carefully so cross-contamination with other uncooked ingredients can be avoided.

Yes, the newest coronavirus has killed hundreds and has affected thousands of individuals. Yet experts are quick to remind the public that keeping calm and heeding health officials’ advice is the best way to move forward. Governments and the private sectors, after all, are working hard to prevent further spreading of the 2019-nCoV through various means. In the meantime, people regardless of their location can also protect themselves by practicing good hygiene, avoiding close contact with animals and consumption of raw animals and animal products.

Written by Miriam N.

Mariam N. is a hygiene expert working with Sono Supplies. She has been interested in health and cleaning issues since she was young and wants to share her knowledge and experience with others who are not indifferent to cleanup. Mariam is deeply convinced that house cleaning is a critical part of hygiene. On a regular basis, she delivers new cleaning expert advice on how to treat products, tools, different items, which sometimes include medical instruments and equipment as well.

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Miriam N.
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