11 Things About You That Will Change When You Lose Your Parents By Kris Di – Blog Post #902 – Dealing with Life From The Field of Master Mind Articles (MMA)


Dealing with Life from the Field of Master Mind Articles (MMA)


Shared from the desk of: Joseph Mercado

Content Contributor: Patrick Snow

Article Author: Kris D – iHeartIntelligence

To: Friend

Blog Post #902

Re: Losing Your Parents

Date and Time: Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 9:41 p.m.


Dear Friend,

Life is unpredictable and can drastically change when you least expect it. In a matter of seconds, everything you hold dear can seize to exist.

The life it took so long for you to build from the bottom up can collapse when you least expect it. Unfortunately, even the people you love that are next to you today, might not live as long as you hope they would.

The most saddening part of it is that we never truly appreciate how fortunate we are until it is too late. We don’t realize how lucky we are to have such wonderful people around us until they are taken from us.
Here are 11 things that you will experience when you lose your parents:

1. You will come to fully appreciate the importance of family:

Nobody will love you so strongly and so timelessly. No matter how many times you felt they judged you unfairly, they never turned you away.

We used to roll our eyes when they would say, “I only want what’s best for you.” Now we understand they really meant it.

2. You won’t have the power to function properly for a while:

You will feel as if a vital part of your being has been ripped out of you. Because as soon as they are gone, a part of your heart will die with them, never to return. You will never be the same person you once were.

This crushing experience will change your life and affect both your emotional and physical states. It will take a while for you to heal and see life with a clear vision again. But, in time, you will be alright.

3. You will feel broken and alone:

The pain will always stay in your heart, to remind you how cruel and unfair life truly is. It will never leave you. No matter how hard you try to break free from the chains of sadness, you will not find enough strength to do it permanently. But in time, you will accept it.

4. You won’t be able to move for a while:

You will experience physical sickness, and you will wish more than anything that your parents were there to make you a warm dinner and care for you.

5. You will feel uncomfortable listening to other people complain about their parents

Listening to friends or acquaintances complaining about their parents and taking them for granted will drive you insane. It will push you towards confronting them and telling them they should be glad that they still have a family.

6. In fact, you will envy them because they still have parents to spend time with:

You won’t ever understand them because you would give anything to have your mother hug you once again and tell you that all will be well. You will be jealous of their blessing, and you will secretly curse them for complaining about having to spend time with their mom and dad.

7. The sadness will never truly go away:

There will be times when you will cry your eyes out just like you did when they passed away. The pain transforms with time, but it is never fully gone.

8. The holidays will never be the same:

The lights of Christmas will be dimmed. Your father won’t be there to call you up and remind you to get a bottle of wine. Your mother will no longer be there to let you know that the table is all set and everyone is waiting for you. Your parents won’t be around to play with your children and share their own funny childhood stories with them. The holiday seasons will never be the same again.

9. You will still feel an urge to call them when you have important news:

Each time something exciting happens to you, you will get that pressing feeling to call your parents and share the news with them. Sometimes, you may even catch yourself pressing the call button to see if anyone will pick up. The soul-crushing pain of having to come to terms with the fact that your parents will never pick up the phone again will always haunt you.

10. You will learn secrets:

You will uncover things about your parents’ past that may make you uncomfortable. You will understand that they were actual people, not just parents and will never know how to handle that because you cannot talk to them about it.

11. You will realize how much you truly loved them:

That is the sad thing about loss. You only realize how strongly you loved someone when they are not in your life any longer.

They will no longer be there to see you succeed and grow into the person they inspired you to become.

If you are lucky enough to still have parents, do not forget to tell them how much they truly mean to you. Visit them regularly, spend quality time with them, call them often to let them know you care for them. Simply be there for them and cherish every moment you get to spend as a family.

Content Source: iHeartIntelligence

Kris D
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