Working with People Who Experience Trauma By Keeley Harrold – Blog Post #891 – Facebook Post From The Field of Master Mind Entrepreneur (MME)


Facebook Post from the Field of Master Mind Entrepreneur (MME)


Shared from the desk of: Joseph Mercado

Content Contributor: Keeley Harrold- Facebook

To: Entrepreneur

Blog Post #891

Re: Working with People

Date and Time: Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 1:49 p.m.

Keeley Harrold






Dear Entrepreneur,

The more work I do with people, the more I realize how many of us are walking around under the weight of some pretty severe trauma.

Most stems back to childhood which then plays out in who we become as adults. This is where the healing work we do on ourselves becomes so important…

I know from experience how it feels to go through trauma and to continuously be in the energy of waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting for the next big thing to shake us up and knock us off of our feet.

I also know from experience how easy it is to want to numb ourselves from feeling this type of energy.

But here’s the thing, running from the next “big thing”, numbing ourselves, living in fear of letting ourselves be happy just to have it all swept away from us again — it’s no way to live a life at all. In fact, it’s living half a life. We’re here for more than that.

We’re here to be happy and to experience all that life has to offer. The good, the bad; the heartbreaking. There will always be a next big thing, it’s just a fact of life. It’s what shapes us and grows us. (They don’t call them growing pains for nothing.)

But it’s up to us to heal to the point that that next big thing — it doesn’t feel like it’s going to end us. We have to get to the point where we understand that life is happening for us, not to us and we can handle just about anything thrown our way.

As long as we find the lesson, the heartache is never wasted. We would never choose the trauma we experience but we can choose what we do with it after.

Did it feel fair for me to lose the father of my child or for my daughter to go through life not knowing him?


Do I still have moments of sheer panic thinking something could happen to my daughter or someone else that I love at any moment as well?

Yep. (And that’s just one layer of my trauma cake.)

But I choose not to live in that energy.

I choose not to feed that fear.

I choose not to let it debilitate me.

I say hello when it comes to visit and then I send it on it’s way.

This is not to say don’t honor your feelings.

Honor them, but don’t let them keep you stuck and stagnant.

We also don’t have to do this alone. We have a support system, we need to call on them regularly.

No more of this handling everything on our own.

It does not make you weak to need help, if anything there’s strength found in knowing when to admit we need it.

Reach out. Lean in.

Hold space for yourself and others.

Let that thing that maybe could have broken you, be the exact same thing that strengthens you. Flip it on em’. No more living half a life.

And if you do feel alone in what you’re going through, that’s where I come in. You let me know.

Always here. 🖤

Keeley Harrold

Content Source:

Keeley Harrold
Image of Keeley Harrold – Co-Owner at Kindred Collection 614

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