10 Laws of The Universe That Drive The Law of Attraction By Joseph Mercado – Blog Post #855 – Velocital Protocols From The Field of Master Mind Law (MML)


🌀 Universal Laws from the Field of Master Mind Law (MML) 💼


From the micro-universe of: Joseph Mercado 👨

To: Soul Connection ✨

Blog Post #855 📌

Re: 10 Universal Laws To Drive The Gears of The Law of Attraction 🔄

Date and Time: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 6:11 p.m. ⏰


Dear Soul Connection,

👉 Here are 10 laws of the universe that help put the Law of Attraction in full velocital force:

Law of Magnetism – the activation of the pituitary gland as it is the magnetic channel within the brain. It bridals with the pineal gland which is the electrical channel within the brain.

Law of Reciprocity – sending out energy into the universe you intend to receive.

Law of Perpetual Transformation of Energy – delivering energetic waves through consciousness awareness knowing that you are transformed before and after the emittance of frequency.

Law of Cause & Effect – the universal response for every action having a reaction.

Law of Polarity – having two forces of opposition such as polar and non-polar waves of energy.

Law of Replacement – taking one form of energy and replacing it with another. For example: Good being the replacement to evil.

Law of Synchronicity – the entwining of waves synchronizing nodes of electrons within the brain to create a conscious effect that is direct with the universe.

Law of Molecular Energy – the level of force driven by motion resulted from a person’s energy at a fine pinnacle point of being resulted from information encoded within the atomic structures of DNA and RNA.

Law of Belief – having the confidence that it can be through the development of knowledge and awareness through one’s perception and biology.

Law of Wisdom – detecting what is sense and what is non-sense throughout the dimensional realm of intuition; according to the spiritual experiences in alignment or not in alignment with the soul.

Know thy laws of the universe better than you know your name.

The cosmos have a bigger plan than the one you have in your mind.

Be open to seeing it and be open to its invitation.

To Your Knowledge of Awareness,

Joseph Mercado

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