Mindset-Nutrition For The Corporate Employee By Joseph Mercado – Blog Post #765 – Positive Energy From The Field of Master Mind Articles (MMA)


Mindset-Nutrition Information from the Field of Master Mind Articles (MMA)


From the desk of: Joseph Mercado


Blog Post #765

Re: Mindset-Nutrition Education for the Corporate Mentality

Date and Time: Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 3:34 a.m.

Joseph Mercado






Dear CEO,

Why is it important for your company to have mindset-nutrition imparted into the lives of your employees?

Mindset is how and why people behave according to their thoughts, emotions, feelings, and beliefs.

This begins from the moment you wake up in the morning to the moment you go to sleep in the evening.

It’s the information we are fed with that determines the influence we are introduced to which leads to the
thoughts we think, the emotions we evolve through chemistry, the decisions we make, and the directions we take in life.

The directions we take ultimately dictate out performance which leads to our actions and flows into our results, whether desired or undesired.

Habits stem from our redundant behaviors.

Behaviors come from programmed experiences.

Experiences result from our memory that comes from the beliefs within our environments.

The biology of belief and the perception we inherit from within such environments are the reason why we become who we are and who we are not.

A major contributor as to why this happens results from nutrition.

It is the nutrition of thoughts in addition to the nutrition of food we eat.

Nutrition determines our level health from within the mind and the brain.

The reason why this is a fact is because the body is the servant to the mind.

The problem is that people allow their body to control their mind which causes negative side affects throughout life.

A good example of this would be when the stomach craves for sugar, we feed the microbes that surge the urge by feeding it sugary foods or snacks.

When the mind is disciplined and contains the awareness and the knowledge of what is healthy or not healthy.

The mind becomes more powerful than the body and controls the microbes that look to take over our emotions by generating unwanted thoughts.

The unwanted thoughts are the reason people have bad eating habits and encounter sickness or disease.

The problem with an unhealthy mind through lack of nutrition, affects the ability for a person to work effectively in their work environment and produce massive results.

It also applies to when people go to work and bring their personal problems into the work environment. This affects the levels of company productivity which equates to financial growth.

When people such as employees know how to regain the power within their mind while learning how to feed their body with electrical foods, and electrical thoughts of positivity, the level of their productivity increases exponentially. In turn, it increase the profits within the company.

When people carry their emotional disturbances, it affects their performances with everything they do in life between relationships, results at work, the happiness from within, and to how they feel about themselves overall.

The solution is to have a mentor who has been through the experiences of life, who has done the research, dealt with the problems from personal awareness, studied from the observation of other people, and see how the problems have become the solution.

For your FREE 30 Minute Consultation, please give us a call at: 631-494-4421 so we can evaluate your needs as to how we can come to your office and impart life through positive energy into the minds of your employees.


To Your Mindset of Success,

Joseph Mercado
Author and Speaker
Master Mind University
Tele | Text: 631-494-4421
[email protected]

P.S. “Once the mind is set and the nutrients flow through the universe of one’s internal nature, life becomes nutritious.”


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