Mantra Mouse By Donna Martini – About – Blog Post #746 – Inspirational Cartoon Character From The Field of Master Mind Children (MMCH)


Cartoon Motivation from the Field of Master Mind Children (MMCH)


Shared from the home of: Joseph Mercado

Author of MantraMouse: Donna Martini

To: Parent

Blog Post #746

Re: MantraMouse – About

Date and Time: Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 11:24 a.m.

Donna Martini






Dear Parent,

MantraMouse is a peace activist and the mascot to the My Mini Book Series written by wellness coach Donna Martini. With a big heart and unassuming demeanor, MantraMouse spreads the message of love, helping readers develop positive mindsets as they take personal responsibility for their thoughts, emotions, and energy.

As one of the earth’s smallest creatures, the mouse reminds us of how truly miniature we are in comparison to the vastness of our world and universe. And our MantraMouse has an additional reminder to offer: The little things we think, do, and say will absolutely have an effect on every minute of our day!

So it is important to use our minds to empower us on our journey. As we quiet our loud voice, we can employ our small voice, which always seems to know the best way for us to go.

The MantraMouse character helps us stay mindful of the seemingly small but necessary steps we need to take in order to reach our goals. If we want to attain the big things in life, we sometimes have to stay focused on the little things. If we want to create great change in our future, we have to take the time to address the tiny details of our past and present moments.

Small gestures can produce enormous results, and MantraMouse’s daily challenges show us that we don’t need to walk in fear of what is bigger than we are. Power and might exist, not in our stature, but in our minds and hearts.

We carry everything we need with us wherever we are and wherever we go. There should be no worries about what we can’t accomplish because, in reality, there are no goals that are too big; there’s only ambition that is too small.

MantraMouse appears in cartoons which promote the need to take personal responsibility for the daily life situations we find ourselves in. They teach the importance of maintaining positive thoughts and emotions, wellness for our bodies, and awareness of the power we have to determine our own life paths.

They remind us of the energy of emotion we share with one another, and they implore us to keep focused on love, peace, unity, forgiveness, compassion, and tolerance. These cartoons are part of a series highlighting a process called Positive Manipulation®: a self-help technique which helps users maintain their highest and most positive level of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual energy.

This is an innate process we already know how to employ, but stress often leads us away from our power. PM (Positive Manipulation) helps us get back to positive power–every moment we need it and every time we ask for it!

About the Author – Donna Martini:

Donna Martini is a lifelong student of healthy lifestyle practices, self-healing techniques, quantum principles, and energy manipulation. She has been sharing her knowledge for over 25 years as an activist, coach, speaker, and author, through radio, video, public television, and social media.

Donna dedicated her life to community service and has been helping people transcend negative emotions and thoughts, old belief systems, and physical imbalances through a technique she calls, “Positive Manipulation®.

”She believes we are all capable of Soulful communication but would need to first “get over our human selves” in order to engage spiritually. “Our ego voice can be louder,” she contends, “and we need to decide—moment to moment—who we want to listen to.

”Born just two months after Hurricane Donna struck the United States in 1960, she jokingly refers to it as her earthly entry. “It’s going to take a profound force,” she says, “to blow through the negativity we are now experiencing in this country.

I’m making it my job each day to become more loving, which will help me help others do the same.” Donna believes that none of us should use the fact that we are only human as an excuse not to act “spiritually gifted.” “We are more energetically powerful than we think we are,” she asserts, “and we should all be using our innate gifts to help one another.

”Donna maintains that she bases her life choices on the example of goodness Jesus left for us to follow, but she wishes to share with others what all faiths have in common, while leaving religious teachings to those more capable.

She feels led to help people understand their spiritual potential and she is convinced that if all of us would wake up in the morning intending to live that day trying to be better than we were the day before, the whole population would lift.

She asks us, “How can we not at least try to make our world a better place for ourselves and for our children? We have been given the tools,” she says, “we just have to learn how to use them.”

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MantraMouse – About – Click the Image Above to Learn More….

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