10 Reasons Why You Should Eat An Entire Avocado Every Day By Body2DieFor – Blog Post #683 – Nutritional Information From The Field of Master Mind Health (MMH)

MMHNutritional Information from the Field of Master Mind Health (MMH)


Shared from the nature of: Joseph Mercado

Content Contributor: Body 2 Die For

To: Nutrition Lover

Blog Post #683

Re: Eating Avocados Daily

Date and Time: Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 12:04 a.m.


Dear Nutrition Lover,

There are plenty of reasons to love avocado. Avocado is among the best foods you can eat today. It is packed with important fats and basically takes care of the entire organism. What is more, avocado can easily become a great addition to your breakfast, lunch, snack,and dinner. Given its benefits, food and nutrition experts urge everyone to have an avocado a day.

Read how an avocado a day boosts your health, and how to make the most of its benefits, starting today.

  1. Losing weight

    An avocado is a great method for losing weight. Don’t be fooled by its fatty content, as avocados only deliver healthy fats to the organism. With this intake, avocados actually boosts the metabolism and help drop those excess pounds. According to a study, eating half an avocado a day helps suppress unhealthy cravings up to 5 hours after eating.

  2. Regulating the Blood Pressure

    Due to its rich potassium content, avocados can balance the blood pressure with ease. Potassium is usually in charge of eliminating extra sodium in the body. With that, an avocado can help cleanse the blood vessels, thus balancing the blood pressure ideally.

  3. Improving Eyesight

    Avocados are packed with two essential carotenoids, called lutein and zeaxanthin. Both in their natural form, these substances drastically improve the vision in avocado consumers. It is also good to know that avocados have the highest levels of these ingredients out of all natural products. So, if you are, too, facing eyesight problem, avocados are here to help.

  4. Controls Cholesterol in the Body

    Again, healthy fats are more beneficial than we initially thought. That said, due to its healthy fats content, avocados can regulate the cholesterol in the body. As per various studies, avocados are particularly good for reducing the levels of the bad, or LDL cholesterol.

  5. Preventing Diabetes

    Another great benefit of eating avocados is knowing it keeps you safe from diabetes. As researchers in the field explain, consuming one avocado a day balances the insulin and blood glucose levels immaculately.

  6. Helping during Pregnancy

    If you didn’t know so far, avocados work their magic around pregnant ladies as well. Given that avocados are packed with vitamins B6 and C, folate, and potassium, avocados make sure the fetus and the mother are nurtured at all times. Another great benefit of eating avocados during pregnancy is its ability to suppress morning sickness.

  7. Strengthening the Bones

    As a result of its rich vitamin K content, avocados can dense the bone structure and prevent bone fragility. In addition, avocados are packed with vitamin D and calcium, both crucial for proper bone development and resistance.

  8. Feeding the Body Nutrients

    When you feel your diet is failing you, try eating an avocado. Enriched with minerals and vitamins which keep the body satisfied and healthy, it only takes one serving of avocados to get the desired nutrient level. To be specific, an avocado a day will provide you with the following value: 39% vitamin K, 21% potassium, 25% of vitamin C, and 30% folate.

  9. Building Nutrient Reserves in the Body

    Sometimes, it is not enough knowing that a food product is nutritive alone. Unlike other foods, avocado not only delivers plenty of nutrients but also helps the body absorb and store them properly. Sometimes, our digestive system can flush away important nutrients, due to improper absorption. This is where avocado effectively helps preserve those nutrients. As a result, your body will have more nutrients to use when needed, like alpha and beta carotene, lutein, and lycopene.

  10. Introducing Healthy Fats

    Healthy fats are crucial if you want to maintain the perfect body-mind synergy. Avocado is one of the riches foods in healthy fats, which mainly help you prevent cardiovascular issues, strokes, and elevated LDL cholesterol levels.

Article Source: Healthy Holistic Living
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