How To Deal With Dry Eyes By Bill Campbell – Blog Post #402 – Necessary Article Tips From The Field of Master Mind Health (MMH)


From the desk of: Bill Campbell ?

To: Entrepreneur ?

Re: How To Deal with Dry Eyes ?

Date: Friday, September 14, 2018 at 5:37 p.m. ?


Dear Entrepreneur,

Have you ever had dry eyes before and weren’t sure what to do about it?

Sitting in a room with a fan going? This is a great recipe for dry eyes, so avoid this at all costs as well. Whenever air is moving swiftly in a room you are going to be at risk for dry eyes.

This is also the case if you are going out on a very windy day as well. If that’s the case, consider wearing a pair of glasses or sunglasses, which will help provide a shield for your eyes against the breeze.

1) Keep Your Room Humid

In the dry winter months, it can really help to use a humidifier to avoid dryness in the room. If the room is dry, chances are good your eyes are going to be dry as well.

If you don’t have a humidifier at home, you can also simply put a pan of water near your radiator and this will help add more moisture into the room.

2) Give Your Eyes A Rest

If you find that your eye dryness tends to be worse at night when watching TV, start giving your eyes a rest. Perhaps the TV screen and staring at it is what’s causing the dryness to occur.

The same can happen if your eyes are glued to a computer monitor or Smart Phone screen. If you really can’t avoid these devises, at least force yourself to look away every 10-15 minutes and blink rapidly for about 30 seconds. This will help lubricate the eyes and take away some of that dryness.

3) Get Away From Cigarette Smoke

While you should be doing this anyway for your overall health’s sake, really do your best to steer clear of any cigarette smoke. This smoke has a very drying effect on your eyes and can take hours to fully overcome.

If you are someone who smokes yourself, do your best to quit. Don’t give up until you have. It’s worth all the effort it takes.

4) Use Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements

Finally, consider getting yourself and omega-3 fatty acid supplement. Omega-3 fats are important fats that the body cannot manufacture on their own and will help provide additional lubrication to the eyes.

If you really don’t want to supplement, increase your intake of salmon in your diet as this protein source also provides and excellent dose of omega-3 fatty acids as well.

So there you have some of the best tips for combating dry eyes in the future. Which of these will you try?


To Your Brilliant Health,

Bill Campbell ?

Daily Affirmation: I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful.

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