Eating Healthy While Developing Good Habits By Vincent Ferrer – Blog Post #357 – Nutritional Information From The Field of Master Mind Health (MMH)


Dear Entrepreneur,

Here are some important food and dieting tips for proper eating habits for you and your journey.

Air and water are your most important sources of energy. You always want to keep clean water close by you for keeping your body hydrated. You want to also be sure you enjoy and savor your food. You want to Reiki (energy) charge and sometimes vibrationally charge your food. Eat a proper portion.

Your stomach is the size of your fist. After eating give yourself time to digest it. Practicing proper breathing will allow you to digest and absorb your food better. Being a vegetarian is the healthiest diet.

Eat to get healthier every day. Avocado and salad are a good staple to one’s diet. Avocados are also easy to grow and are always around so you shouldn’t have a problem finding them in your region. Find a local farmers market who supplies them. See how good your senses are while trying to find a ripe one.

Wait until your food is digested before you eat your next meal. If your body is too heated eat cooling foods. If your body is cooled eat heated foods. Eat fruits and vegetables from all spectrums of the rainbow.

Pay attention to your mind and body. Know the difference between a mental craving and the calling of your body for a particular nourishment. Everything in moderation is a good rule to live by.

Juicing is an amazing nourishment. The Qigong masters say that carrot juice is the most healing juice to have. I add celery (good for bones) and apples often. Mix and match changing them daily for optimal health. Ingesting superior tonic herbs properly can also increase your health exponentially.

To Your Healthy Success,

Vincent Ferrer


Vincent Ferrer
Vincent Meditating on His Good Thoughts

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