

Testimonial from the Field of Master Mind Health (MMH):

“Hi my name is Monica Bennett. Recently, I came down with a pretty bad cold that has been affecting my sinuses and bronchial tissues.

I also developed a bad case of laryngitis. I consider myself a person who takes really good care of my health. I eat right, exercise every day and am at a perfect weight for my size.

However, sometimes our immune system does get run down. For me this time of year with the shorter days and less sun is the time my body gets affected.

I rarely go to the doctor and when I do, it is for a wellness check up. Well everyone I spoke to said go to the doctor and get a Z-pak (Zithromax) this is an antibiotic. I try to avoid taking antibiotics unless I really, really have to.

My friend Joseph Mercado called me and said that he developed this special brew that will remedy my cold, and would I be interested in trying it. I said sure. Well, after the first tea cup full, I felt immediately better.

I continued to drink another few cup full’s throughout the course of the evening and second day, and I have to say I am completely better. It is amazing. I love natural remedies, and Joseph’s tea saved me from going to the doctors to take antibiotics that causes a weaker immune system in the long run.

Now, I know what to take the next time my body gets effected by a cold.

Thank you Joseph!” –Monica Bennett {Freeport, Long Island, NY – Positive Mind Educator for MMU}

Monica Bennett – MMU