
From the desk of: Joseph Mercado To: Entrepreneur Re: MMU Online Classes Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 12:00 p.m.         Dear Entrepreneur, Master Mind University offers you the opportunity to enroll in online education classes. The classes provided will have an Read More …


Dear Entrepreneur, How important are resources to you? Resources are something we must obtain to create building blocks to success. People and the relationships you have with them are the most precious ability throughout humanity. There’s one thing we all have in common as people… Read More …


Here are the current fields of knowledge from within the signal of Personal Development: Master Mind Books (MMB) Master Mind Communication (MMCOM) Master Mind Emotions (MMEMO) Master Mind Goal Setting (MMGS) Master Mind Health (MMH) Master Mind Lifestyle (MMLIF) Master Mind Pets (MMPET) Master Mind Read More …


From the desk of: Joseph Mercado 👨 To: Researcher 💼 Re: Article – What Is Master Mind University❓ Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 2:17 p.m. ⏰   Dear Researcher, If you haven’t heard the news yet, Master Mind University is the new Global Research Read More …

Info Mall

Dear Entrepreneur, Information Products are something you as an entrepreneur need and use every day. Whether it’s to enhance your mind-set, build up your business or develop yourself personally and professionally. MMU provides multiple products for the community. This involves information products and information services. Read More …

The Field of Master Mind Library (MMLIB) – Blog Post #88

Master Mind Library (MMLIB) is a field of information and the resource center of my personal and private collection of books. As an content collector and aggregator of details extracted from multiple niche markets, information is what fuels humanity. Through information comes influence. For what Read More …

What Is The Field of Master Mind Publishing (MMP)? – Blog Post #68

Master Mind Publishing (MMP) is a department of education connected to the entity of Business Development. The purpose of this area is to educate people on publishing books, developing the right author platform, publishing law information, obtaining an ISBN number for your book, getting it Read More …

Master Mind University On Wheels – Blog Post #32 – Self-Help Delivery Service From The Field of Master Mind Information (MMI)

Book Service from the Field of Master Mind Information (MMI)   From the desk of: Joseph Mercado To: Community Blog Post #32 Re: Self-Help Delivery Service Date: February 17, 2016 at 2:22 p.m.   Dear Entrepreneur, Master Mind University (MMU) brings to you ‘Inspirational Self-Help Read More …

What Is Master Mind Library (MMLIB)? – Blog Post #5

From the desk of: Joseph Mercado Blog Post #3 To: Entrepreneur Re: From the Field of Master Mind Library Date: Monday, October, 21, 2018 at 1:29 a.m.           Dear Entrepreneur, Master Mind Library (MMLIB) is a coliseum of information and a Read More …

Master Mind University Mobile – Blog Post #4 – Global Blog Directory From The Field of Master Mind Information (MMI)

🌊 ADVERTISE IN THE MMU GLOBAL BLOG DIRECTORY FOR FREE (Limited Time Only) 🌀   Dear Entrepreneur, Do you have any of the following tools that would help advertise your business or purpose❓ 👉 Articles 📝 👉 Blog Posts 📄 👉 Books 📚 👉 Courses Read More …


  From the desk of: Joseph Mercado 🙋‍♂️ To: Entrepreneur 💼 Re: MMU Fields of Information 📄 Date and Time: Tuesday, October 6, 2018 at 3:45 p.m. ⏰         Dear Entrepreneur, Master Mind University consists of multiple fields of education and information Read More …


  From the desk of: Joseph Mercado Blog Post #2 To: Entrepreneur Re: Frequently Asked Questions About MMU Date: Sunday, September 30, 2018 at 2:05 p.m. ⏰         Dear Entrepreneur, Many questions have been asked about the possibilities of Master Mind University. Read More …

Book Store

Off Balance by Matthew Kelly     I Get I Get It by Loraine Alderman and Yvonne Capitelli  Simon & Sedef by Sheree Jeanes   The College Strategy by Linnita Hosten  Everyone Says To Go To College by Linnita Holsen  Trusting Your Inner Physician by Read More …


Dear Researcher, Master Mind University (MMU) is an online research directory created by using micro-blogs. Micro-blogs within MMU can include: videos, audios, educators, influencers, entrepreneurs, networkers, reels, books, articles, laws, pictures, websites, testimonials, success stories and more. Each micro-blog delivers high caliber quality content and Read More …