Keyword Quotes

What is a KeyWord Quote…?

A Keyword Quote is an inspirational quotation that contains a keyword about a particular life experience. The keyword is relative to your thought, and is either made positive or negative.

The experience is something you can relate to, or be made aware for possible, future encounters and how you deal with the negativity at the moment faced in life.

It can be a difficult battle in your mind if you’re not well educated on the topic of keywords and how they help you heal negative thoughts.

Keywords reveal how to heal your negative thoughts and how  they are perceived from various angles of directional thought. The quotation is the definition to the keyword supplied. As the definition, the quote will either inspire you, motivate you, or encourage you. Possibly, it will perform all three positives.

The purpose for the keyword is to help you think about what you’re going through or have gone through, or have not yet been through. As a result of the inspiration and positive energy, you’ll know how to transition the negative thoughts into positive energy. This is before it gets the opportunity to enter into your inner circle of influence.

Keyword Quotes are created to reflect inspirational messages that contain positive energy to help you improve the quality of your thoughts and better your life. The human brain remembers things by emblematic images or pictures. Keywords identify a picture, such a memory with a person, place, or thing from the pretense of a thought.

If the keyword within a quote is positive, it demonstrates how positive energy can be used through your perception of reality. If the keyword is negative, it demonstrates how a negative thought can be converted into a positive state.

This is achieved though The Law of Replacement. According to the human brain and its conscious state, you are able to replace 1 negative thought with 1 positive thought. It’s the same way you thought of the negative in the first place.  You are now conforming the old habit. Your new habit developed is much healthier for you.

The mind can only birth one thought at-a-time. This means, you can only replace one thought at-a-time.   Either from negative to positive, positive to negative, positive to positive, or negative to negative.

This is the reason why and how the universal Law of Replacement allows the mind to be healed. What you replace is what you attract. It’s resulted from the energy traveling through the white light of your soul. Various categories of quotes are in different forms of positive influence related to life experience.

There is energy within inspirational quotes and sayings. This is  true because real time experiences also contain energy from the pre-recorded matters of thought. It’s up to you on what you extract from the information and how you apply it to your life and make it better.

Motivational Quotes are written to help inspire you while influencing your life with positive energy. Quotes are mostly derived from experiences and observations made from the lives of people. Both containing positive and negative forms of matter. Keywords are specifically related to the quote and the information contained within it. There is always something within something else, even if it’s empty space.

Energy can be found inside people, places, and things. Inspirational quotes that elaborate certain keywords are molded into either a metaphor or an analogy. The keyword is purposed to paint an image on the canvas of your mind. The image allows you to see the vision and remember the information or for the moment when you come in contact with something relative later on in life.

For example: You have the keyword ‘love.’ Here is a sample quote to fit the word: Keyword = Love: “Love deflects all hate.” -Joseph Mercado {Founder of: Master Mind University – Department of Relationships}

The keyword found in this quote is love. Someone who either has that specific word on their mind, or recently experienced love, or thinks about it often, may very well be able to relate to the phrase. Or, if you encounter a hateful situation, use love to diffuse the matter. Remember the quote, and allow the positive energy to replace the negative influence.

Keyword Quotes are inspirational as they will positively influence you. Each keyword quote will motivate you to do great things in your life. There will be certain quotes that you can immediately adapt to as there will be other quotes that will not necessarily apply to your life.

You will have the opportunity to add the positive information to your storehouse of knowledge. Keyword Quotes will help you transition your negative thoughts into positive energy.

As a result, learn how to heal your negative thoughts and increase the amount of positive results in your life. You can also think of keyword quotes as tools and snippets of precise detail created to help you achieve your goals in life.

Example KWQ: Keyword = Love: “Love provides what pride lacks.” -Joseph Mercado

KeyWord Quotes (KWQ)