20 Ways To Use Aluminum Foil For Wilderness Survival By Bob Rodgers – Blog Post #1081 – Important Knowledge From The Field of Master Mind Survival (MMSUR)



โž• Benefits of Aluminum Foil from the Field of Master Mind Survival (MMSUR) ๐Ÿ”ง


Shared from the research of: Joseph Mercado ๐Ÿ‘จ

Article Author: Bob Rodgers ๐Ÿ‘ด

Content Contributor: Survivopedia ๐Ÿ”จ

To: Survivalist ๐Ÿ”ฉ

Blog Post #1081 ๐Ÿ“Œ

Re: Aluminum Foil ใ€ฐ

Date and Time: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 7:59 p.m. โฐ


Dear Survialist,

Many hikers and preppers, including myself, carry aluminum foil in their survival bags.

Over the years, weโ€™ve learned how useful this item can become in the wilderness and how it can save you a lot of headaches.

Iโ€™ve discovered a lot of ways to use aluminum foil while exploring the great outdoors, and every time Iโ€™m using it, Iโ€™m amazed how versatile this item really is.

Every household in the United States has a roll or two of heavy-duty aluminum foil hidden in their kitchen drawers.

It is one of the items that can be used in an emergency situation, regardless if you are in the city or in the wilderness.

The only limitation when it comes to using aluminum foil during a crisis is not having enough imagination or the proper mindset to repurpose it.

As you will see below, I found many uses for it, and I always try to figure out ways to use it in almost any activity.

Top wilderness uses for aluminum foil:

1. Cooking cleanup is much easier with aluminum foil.

If time is of the essence and if you have a tight schedule to follow when bugging out, you can use it to make cleaning much easier and faster.

You can line a cast iron pan with foil to avoid sticky food residue (or keep it to a minimum).

I did this often times during the evening when I didnโ€™t have enough time nor water to clean my cooking pots properly.

Not to mention that if you use it to line your cooking pots, you will not have to worry about keeping food residue in your vicinity and attract unwanted animals during the night time.

2. You can improvise a frying pan.

All you need to do to make a useful frying pan is a sturdy branch from which you can improvise a fork and then wrap the foil around it.

Iโ€™ve used this method to fry fish but also mushrooms, and it works like a charm!

3. Years ago, I learned from my father how to improvise all sorts of cooking accessories from aluminum foil.

You can make a serving plate, a cup, a pair of thongs for grilling, and pretty much anything you can think of.

It all depends on your cooking needs and the skills you have.

4. For cooking food in the wilderness, you can use aluminum foil and improvise a solar oven.

If you happen to have a cardboard box in reach, the job is much easier than you think.

If not, you can make a cage from sticks and thin branches using your paracord and then line it with the aluminum foil.

5. Aluminum foil can also help you prolong a campfire and use its heat to warm your shelter.

You can use the foil to block the wind and protect the flames by improvising a small wall from branches, lined with the foil.

6. Collecting rainwater should be an obvious use at this point.

You can improvise a funnel to divert rainwater into your container, or you can build from the foil a large pot and place it in a spot with abundant rainfall.

7. You can create a lantern using your lamp and some aluminum foil.

Wrap a piece of foil around one side of your lamp, and you can focus the beam of light in the direction you need.

Catch A Glimpse of Green Beret Outdoor Survival Ingenuity

8. Due to its reflective nature, aluminum foil is ideal for signaling.

You can use it just as a signaling mirror to signal a rescue plane or a passing vehicle in the distance.

Also, you can tie multiple strips of aluminum foil to branches in order to make a signaling flag. Just make sure you are a good tree climber.

9. Aluminum foil can help you find your way back to camp.

Since people will get lost easily in the wilderness due to the lack of orientation skills or by getting easily distracted, they can find their way back to camp by using the foil.

Make string from it and tie them to branches to mark your path back to camp.

This is also useful during night time since the foil will reflect light from your flashlight and even the moonlight.

10. Use it to waterproof your bag or critical items. Crossing a river will make things get wet faster than you would expect.

To save the day, put all your sensitive items such as matches, cellphones, socks, and anything you want to keep dry in an improvised aluminum bag.

For added security and peace of mind, you can wrap all the items individually before putting them together in the improvised bag.

11. This one is probably my favorite, and Iโ€™ve learned if from more experienced campers.

I often go camping carrying a survival hammock, and Iโ€™ve learned to make drip rings from aluminum foil.

It keeps water runoff away from your sleeping area, and you wonโ€™t wake up in a puddle.

12. Aluminum foil is very useful for warming your sleeping bag during colder nights.

Iโ€™ve learned this one from attending a survival course in the UK.

Besides teaching us how to make a hotbed, the guide also taught us how to warm our sleeping bags using stones and aluminum foil.

You will need to heat some stone in the campfire coals, wrap them in foil and place them by your feet.

This will help you keep warm during cold nights, providing an extra level of comfort.

13. Use it to keep your sleeping bag dry and warm.

This is recommended if you like sleeping on the ground.

The foil will prevent moisture from reaching your sleeping bag, and at the same time, it will reflect back the heat emanated by your body.

14. Make fishing lures. By using a pocket knife, you can create feathered edges for your fish hooks.

The shiny edges will flutter in the water and will convince fish such as bass to bite on your lure.

15. When you forage for food and you find sticky and/or mushy goodies, you can avoid ruining your socks and improvise a container from aluminum foil.

You can carry everything in it, and you will not stain your clothes or bag. Not to mention that you can easily wash the container and use it for other purposes later on.

16. Protect your berry shrubs with the foil. If you have to forage for food while being stranded in the wilderness, chances are you could find some berries.

Seeing that in nature, there is a great competition for these wild berries, you will need to protect the bushes from birds and other critters.

If you tie strips of foil to the branches, you will keep animals at bay, and there will still be some berries left when you return the next day.

17. Make a cache. Although not the best tactic for making a cache, it can do a pretty good job when nothing else is available.

All you need to do is dig a hole, line the bottom with rocks, wrap your items in aluminum foil, and put them in the hole. Before covering your supplies with dirt, make sure you mark the spot or acknowledge the available landmarks. This will save you time from digging multiple holes just to find your supplies.

18. Firestarter aid. A lot of preppers and survivalists are using petroleum jelly fire starters, but few of them know that the following trick that can improve the duration of the flame. If you place the fire starters on a piece of aluminum foil, you will prevent the jelly from melting into the ground below, and the flame will last longer. This is a neat trick if you need to start a flame in cold or wet environments.

19. It can be used to make small repairs.

If your water bottle gets pierced or your water canteen gets cracked, you can use the foil in conjunction with pine sap to seal the container.

In times of need, it can also use it to enhance the signal of devices with traditional antennas if you wrap a ball of foil around the end of the antenna.

Even more, you can fix the loose springs from your devices and hold batteries in place by folding a small piece of foil and placing it between the battery and the loose spring.

20. Itโ€™s a good overall insulator.

Iโ€™ve used it to insulate shelters made from natural materials, Iโ€™ve used it to insulate the windows from our home when testing our survival drill during the winter.

Iโ€™ve used it for my camping tent and so on.

This becomes a reliable insulator when facing harsh weather regardless if youโ€™re in the wilderness or in the city.


As you saw in this article, aluminum foil is an inexpensive item that can become a multi-use survival tool in case needed.

Iโ€™ve said it before, and I will say it again: In a survival situation, improvisation is the mother of necessity.

The versatility of aluminum foil makes it an ideal candidate for your survival bag, and you should really consider buying a roll or two for emergency situations.

Content Source: Survivopedia.com


Bob Rodgers
๐Ÿ‘‰ 20 Ways To Use Aluminum Foil – Click the image above to access the full site… ๐Ÿ‘†


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