Write A Book Using Your Facebook Posts By Joseph Mercado – Blog Post #829 – Self-Publishing Method From The Field of Master Mind Writing (MMW)


πŸ‘‰ Self-Publishing Method from the Field of Master Mind Writing (MMW) βœ’


From the desk of: Joseph Mercado πŸ‘¨

To: Facebook Friend πŸ‘₯

Blog Post #829 πŸ“Œ

Re: Writing a Book Using Facebook

Date and Time: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 9:59 p.m.


Dear Facebook Friend,

How would you like to write a book using the content from your Facebook posts?


As I was driving back from the store, I thought… How awesome would it be for people to be able to take their posts on Facebook and turn them into a book. πŸ“—

Yes, you can actually take snippets of your life that you have already been posted and turn them into a handbook or full blown manuscript. πŸ“’

It’s about sequence and knowing how to format your information (along with a few other important details). πŸ” 

Knowing how to do so requires a mentor and someone who can show you the ropes in creating a book.

There is a key strategy to combing certain posts from your timeline and being productive. βŒ›

I am now offering this method to my service line of book mentorship. Each year has enough content to produce a timeline story of your life stitched together as a readable story. πŸ“–

There are certain people I’m looking to work with. I’m not interested in negative drama queens or people who want to waste time.

I’m looking for people and posts with life meaning from experience such as having a negative and merging into a positive by wanting to change. πŸ‘

Share what you have been through and help others who are in need of your positive energy. γ€°βž•γ€°

Who would like to be the first Facebook author❓

Have a question❓Just ask and I will answer you.

To Your Facebook Success,

Joseph πŸ“š

βœ’ Write a Book Using Facebook πŸ‘

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