How To Market Your Published Book with Judy Weintraub & Joseph Mercado – Blog Post #807 – Podcast Interview From The Field of Master Mind Audios (MMAUD)

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Podcast Audio from the Field of Master Mind Audios (MMAUD)


Shared from the desk of: Joseph Mercado

Podcast Interviewer: Judy Weintraub

To: Non-Fiction Author

Blog Post #807 ?

Re: MMU & Non-Fiction Author Podcast Interview

Date and Time: Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 11:46 a.m.  ⏰

Audio Title: Helping Non-Fiction Authors Market Their Books

Keyword Video: Podcast

Universal Principle: Law of Information

Categories: Personal Development ✊ | Business Development ?

Self-Help Question: Are you a published author and need some tips marketing your book ❓

When it comes to being a non-fiction author, there is a lot that goes into the process of reaching your goals and being successful. There is a sequence to stick to and a set regiment to getting things done in time constraint that you set for yourself from beginning of your agreement between you and your book.

On Tuesday, September 24, 2019 I had the privilege to be interviewed by Judy Weintraub from Skill Bites. The podcast interview was about how non-fiction authors can create their book, market, and self-publish once they have a completed manuscript.

In the interview, we also go over a variety of tips and methods as to how you can achieve success with writing your book. When it comes to writing, formatting, editing, copyrights, printing, marketing, advertising, branding, and publishing, you want to be sure you are equipped with the right angles and avenues as to how to get it done with ease and have a headache free experience as much as possible. And yes, there are curve balls along the way, but the point in having a book mentor is to alleviate as many curve balls thrown at you as possible.

This way you don’t overspend your hard-earned money and avoid being mislead by publishing houses, agents, and companies who look to take advantage of non-fiction authors. It happens quite often. I feel that authors work very hard to write their books.

A lot of time intensity and long days and nights go into their project. This is why people like Judy take the time to conduct great quality podcasts interviews so that we can help more non-fiction authors like you to be acquainted with the right tools for success to reign in your favor.

With nuggets of wisdom from years of experience, you can find it easier to write your book and and have it published through the people in your network and by utilizing the traffic within social media. Get your message out and start revealing your story. It can help thousands, if not millions of people based on the fact your book could be the flashlight to someone else’s darkness.

Tune in the podcast recording here in this blog post and learn how to get your book noticed and circulated within the industry it is related to. Enjoy the podcast. Thank you Judy Weintraub for taking the time to interview me about content development and Master Mind University.

Listen to the podcast audio below….?


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To Your Success,

Joseph Mercado

Master Mind Audios

Tele | Text: 631-494-4421  ☎

Email: [email protected] ✉


P.S. Learn how to become a successful entrepreneur through online education right here at MMU. ?


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Judy Weintraub

Joseph Mercado

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