About PLenergy – Blog Post #633 – Information From The Field of Master Mind Health (MMH)



? Plant Based Nutrition from the Field of Master Mind Herbs (MMHRB) ?


From the nutrition lab of: Joseph Mercado

To: Nutrition Lover

Blog Post #633

Re: About PLenergy

Date and Time: April 20, 2019 at 8:28 p.m.

Joseph Mercado





Dear Nutrition Lover,

PLenergy is a fun place where you can learn about plant based nutrition and herbs within nature.

PLenergy believes there is a relationship between plants and people in that they have one major thing in common.

The cellular systems within plants and people are electrical.

We are designed to be walking batteries of life wired and electrified by organic nutrients, minerals, and water.

The problem is that we are being short-circuited by the processed foods out in the open market.

What’s the solution?

It’s nature.

Nature is of the mind and the nature within electrical foods.

For the fact that plants contain electrical charges and emit electricity, they provide a cellular charge to the cells in the human body when frequencies are relevant or have a match.

Each cell holds a charge of 1.4 volts. Your body encapsulates 50 trillion cells of consciousness. That’s a lot of electricity flowing through your magnetic presence.

When you are aware of the right nutrients from nature to consume, it balances and adjusts the level of resonance where each cell operates itself.

When a cell has enough charge to give it life, it can repair and heal itself, in turn, healing the neighboring cells and organs surrounding it.

When all the cells can work together in such a way, this means the entire body can be healed through the gateways of the mind.

This is the key for life longevity.

Nature is the nurturer to humanity through the medicine it provides throughout its environment which includes:

  • Trees.
  • Plants.
  • Herbs.
  • Roots.
  • Leaves.
  • Weeds.
  • Branches.
  • And Flowers.

By providing you with a knowledgeable education you can absorb the good quality information and apply it to life when it’s needed.

Information in the area of plant based nutrition is a beneficiary and can only help you take better care of your health.

Help yourself and view the content at your own leisure.

Thank you for being a part of the PLenergy community.

Enjoy the educational information.


To Your Healthy Life,

Joseph Mercado
Nutrition Educator

P.S. If there is a plant or an herb you like to know more about, send us message and we will share it with you or research it for you.

P.P.S. Learn more about PLenergy through MMU and visit this link at your convenience: http://masterminduniverse.net/?s=plenergy

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