? Inspirational Quote from the Department of Master Mind Quotes (MMQ)
Shared from the desk of: Joseph Mercado ?
Facebook Content Contributed By: Ken Etter ?
Author of Quote: Ken Etter ?
Blog Post #533 ?
Keyword: Dash
Universal Principle: Law of Life ?
To: Entrepreneur ?
Re: The Dash Within a Tombstone
Date: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 2:05 p.m.
Dear Entrepreneur,
“A tombstone has two dates. The day of birth and the day of death with a dash in between. Neither date is as important as the dash in between it is the dash in the middle that signifies the life that was lived. So make your dash count with everything you have. –Ken Etter
Allow MMU to help connect you with knowledge and wisdom using experiences as the bridge.
To Your Life of Success,
Joseph Mercado
Tele | Text: 631-494-4421
Email: mercadoj@masterminduniverse.net
P.S. Learn how to become a successful entrepreneur through online education with MMU.
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