The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy By Natalia Kuna – Blog Post #459 – Universal Principle From The Field of Master Mind Law (MML)

MMLPerpetual Article from the Field of Master Mind Law (MML)


From the desk of: Natalia Kuna

To: Entrepreneur ?

Re: The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

Date and Time: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 9:24 p.m. ⏰

Natalia Kuna






Dear Entrepreneur,

Universal energy is all around and within us, and we have the power and capability to tap in and utilize it.

​You cannot ‘create’ energy, as it already exists in a quantum field of oneness.

Energy, however is transmutable. Perpetual transmutation means that energy can transfer into matter and then back again into its pure state of energy.

​This means that energy, therefore everything (including us) cannot die, but instead change form just as we change from our physicality into spiritual form when we pass on.

Even the great physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton said this:

“The changing of bodies into light, and light into bodies, is very conformable to the course of nature, which seems delighted with transmutations.”

Nothing is permanent but change.

“All things are evolving from other things, and resolving into other things.” –The Kybalion

Therefore we can apply this same principle when we manifest. Via our mental creations we can affect change and create whatever it is that we desire.

What this law tells us is that we all have the power to change our life experience, situations and conditions. We all have that creative power and can use the universal laws in our favor. In this case, we merely act as conscious creators or alchemists manifesting matter or energetic experiences through the power and will of our minds.

Thoughts are energy. By focusing your thoughts consciously in a certain direction, that energy transforms to and into the form of your thoughts being created. Physical form can manifest from the energy of your thoughts.

The universal truth of this law is that lower energy can be actively transmuted into higher energy.

You can turn sadness into happiness, poverty into wealth, or darkness into light. How powerful and wonderful would you feel if you could transmute all that lower, toxic energy or arguing, disagreeing and battling with your spouse or work colleague for example, into a household or workplace filled with love, peace, cooperation and harmony.

“I have learnt through bitter experience the one supreme lesson to conserve my anger, and as heat conserved is transmuted into energy, even so our anger controlled can be transmuted into a power which can move the world.” –Mahatma Ghandi


To Your Perpetual Success,

Natalia Kuna

Author, Writer, Medium, and Content Contributor.

Natalia Kuna
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