You Must Change The Frequency of Your Thoughts – Blog Post #191 – Influence From The Field of Master Mind Entrepreneur (MME)


Keyword = Frequency

From the Department of Master Mind Entrepreneur (MME):

In order to become successful as an entrepreneur you must know how to change your thoughts.

You do this by amplifying the frequency of the core thought which is the basis of your habit.

You can use the Law of Replacement to help you. By replacing one negative though with a positive thought, it allows you to change the frequency within the moment you decided to make it happen.

It’s all about redundancy. The more times you think and do something, the more it becomes habitual.

It applies to all the things you learn and believe to be true in your life.

Your thoughts are living magnets made up of information traveling in a direction which either leads you to the positives or negatives in life.

It’s resulted from the Law of Cause and Effect and from the Law of Magnetism.

You attract and repel instances to and from your mind.

This is actually one of the finest beauties in life. And that is being aware of such knowledge.

You must know that you are destined for greatness in the universe you exist in.

Life is a cycle of systems. You must find what works best for you and adapt to it, then improve upon what you are inclined to.

Learn more about how to change the frequency within your thoughts and become the entrepreneur you see yourself to be.

The best education you can have is self-education. Seek wisdom and truth as you will know it based on the feeling you get in your gut. It is your spirit knocking on the door to your soul.

Be wise and pay attention to what feels good and what does not feel good. Energy doesn’t lie.

To Your Entrepreneurial Success,

Master Mind University Team 🙂

Frequency of Success
Entrepreneurial Success Belongs To You As The Solutions Are from Within
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