Transforming Your Book Into An Online Course of Education – Blog Post #135 – Service From The Field of Master Mind Books (MMB)


Dear Author,

Do you have a book you’ve written and would like to transform it  into an online course?

Creating your own information product is one of the most powerful tools you can have when it comes to obtaining authority in your industry.

There are numerous content methods you can use with a book and have it generate both traffic and residual income for your business.

The objective is to have your online course influence and educate people worldwide while you’re out marketing yourself in multiple areas which require your presence. Such areas involve online and offline locations.

In order to market and sell your products or services like clockwork, you must have a product on auto-pilot that allows you to do so.

The kind of niche product you need is an educational course. Another term you may be familiar with is a go to ‘webinar.’ You can achieve this by having your book transformed into an online information product in the form of a digital content tool.

It is an in-depth process which allows you to spread your information viral so that people or students can learn from you experiences at various hours of the day without your physical presence.

Book transformation is becoming more of a demand for authors so that mass populations are reached accurately. If you have a book which contains vital information to help people, then you want to get your book in front of the right eyes and minds via the Internet.

Your information can make a positive difference in a person’s life. This is accomplished simply from you overcoming certain barriers of difficulty. It could be a personal or business matter.

Your past negatives can be someone else’s future positives and answer they’ve been looking for. The way to help a person succeed is by getting your digital course and book in front of people now.

With the right strategy and implementations, you can have your book morphed into a course within less than 14 days. There is a science behind constructing your information product which entails a certain sequence for you to successfully magnetize the right people to what you have to offer.

The other known positive to creating your masterpiece, is that you can easily promote your services through your webinar. Your services may include mentoring, coaching, teaching, another seminar, another book, or something relative you have a passion for.

Here are the details for the Book to Online Course Transformation:

  • Take your book and have it transformed into a presentation and then into an online course. You can have people take your course while you’re networking, sleeping, speaking, or writing another book. The convenience of this service is that you are able to market yourself 24/7 like clockwork. Your book becomes your live education while receiving more exposure for you and your business. The purpose is for you to generate more sales while being able to accomplish other main priorities. From this point, you can market your packages for the services you offer to the people within your circle.

Elevate your book to the next level of accomplishment and get your online webinars going without you physically having to be there.

Get your book transformed now and bring your course to life!


To Your Book of Success,

Joseph Mercado

Book Mentor

Master Mind Books

Tele: 631-494-4421

Email: [email protected]

Book Transformation Service
Transforming Your Book Into An Online Course of Education


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